Brian Graves, ScanOnline

Rugged Tablets – Three Things Supply Chain Managers Needs to Know to Win Over Purchasing

Rugged Tablets – Three Things Supply Chain Managers Needs to Know to Win Over Purchasing 2560 1344 ScanOnline

  Just a few years back, the concept of a tablet in an enterprise setting might have seemed foreign and counterproductive. However, thanks to great advances in rugged touchscreen technology and automation intelligence, enterprise tablet acquisition has increased, with a global market share surpassing $800 million in 2020. Studies indicate…

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Should I Consider Buying Refurbished Rugged Mobile Devices and Printers? Or is New the Way to Go?

Should I Consider Buying Refurbished Rugged Mobile Devices and Printers? Or is New the Way to Go? 900 600 ScanOnline

From the Solutions Desk, with Brian Graves I find myself getting asked this question more often than I used to – are refurbished rugged mobile devices right for me?  The answer really comes down to the particulars of every organization’s situation.  Here are some things to consider when deciding if refurbished…

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