Smart warehouse

A Next-Gen Network is the Backbone for Smart Warehouse Initiatives

A Next-Gen Network is the Backbone for Smart Warehouse Initiatives 1280 853 ScanOnline

Every industry is impacted by the rapid expansion of IoT solutions, contributing to what’s known as ‘smart workplace’ environments. The warehousing and storage subsector is no exception. Smart warehouses aim to improve their overall quality, productivity, and efficiency with fewer errors. This is done with modern IoT solutions, meaning various…

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WiFi 6 in MDF Room

Why Wi-Fi 6 Should be On Every Network Administrator’s Short List for Future Updates

Why Wi-Fi 6 Should be On Every Network Administrator’s Short List for Future Updates 2560 1709 ScanOnline

We’ve come a long way since the early days of wireless LAN becoming a buzzphrase, to where Wi-Fi 6 has taken us. We went from networks that could be bottlenecked merely by a handful of devices that were connected at one time, to systems that barely break a sweat when…

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Migrating Traditional On-Prem Networks to the Cloud

Migrating Traditional On-Prem Networks to the Cloud 2560 1259 ScanOnline

It’s no secret, cloud computing is quickly becoming the most popular and best way to run an IT department providing real-time access to systems and data from anyone anywhere on any device. However, some businesses are rightfully taking a steady approach before making a cloud network migration project a part…

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How New Label Printers, Label Orders, and Supplies can Save Your Warehouse Thousands

How New Label Printers, Label Orders, and Supplies can Save Your Warehouse Thousands 2560 1344 ScanOnline

When looking for ways to reduce operational costs, labeling systems may often go overlooked since labels generally account for less than ten percent of total expenses. Nevertheless, without a dependable labeling system, businesses leave room for costly consequences such as: Delayed deliveries Inaccurate order picking Bottlenecks sparking downtime Premature printhead…

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What Can You Do Today to Combat Supply Chain Challenges and Costs You Can’t Control

What Can You Do Today to Combat Supply Chain Challenges and Costs You Can’t Control 2560 1344 ScanOnline

Technology shortages have affected virtually every industry, from automotive manufacturing to consumer electronics, and warehousing has not been exempted. Most notable amongst challenges has been the semiconductor chip shortage, which affects thousands of warehouses seeking to modernize workflows to provide the fast and error-free service customers expect. Without crucial chips,…

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Rugged Tablets – Three Things Supply Chain Managers Needs to Know to Win Over Purchasing

Rugged Tablets – Three Things Supply Chain Managers Needs to Know to Win Over Purchasing 2560 1344 ScanOnline

  Just a few years back, the concept of a tablet in an enterprise setting might have seemed foreign and counterproductive. However, thanks to great advances in rugged touchscreen technology and automation intelligence, enterprise tablet acquisition has increased, with a global market share surpassing $800 million in 2020. Studies indicate…

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Should I Consider Buying Refurbished Rugged Mobile Devices and Printers? Or is New the Way to Go?

Should I Consider Buying Refurbished Rugged Mobile Devices and Printers? Or is New the Way to Go? 900 600 ScanOnline

From the Solutions Desk, with Brian Graves I find myself getting asked this question more often than I used to – are refurbished rugged mobile devices right for me?  The answer really comes down to the particulars of every organization’s situation.  Here are some things to consider when deciding if refurbished…

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How to Prevent Shrinkage in Your Warehouse with RFID Tracking

How to Prevent Shrinkage in Your Warehouse with RFID Tracking 2560 1280 ScanOnline

Stopping shrinkage can be a frustrating and aggravating process for your warehouse operation, especially in warehousing and retail. In warehousing, shrinkage can be caused when finished products, raw materials, and/or business assets used to manage operations get damaged, lost, or stolen. Human error during different stages of procurement and shipping…

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Want to Stop Bottlenecks Within Cross-Docking Operations? These Tracking Tools Will Help.

Want to Stop Bottlenecks Within Cross-Docking Operations? These Tracking Tools Will Help.

Want to Stop Bottlenecks Within Cross-Docking Operations? These Tracking Tools Will Help. 2560 1344 ScanOnline

Bottlenecks in manufacturing can be described as anything on the factory floor that diminishes productivity and slows workflows. Nearly 40% of industrial output is wasted even before it reaches your customers, and untimely bottlenecks cost the manufacturing industry $12 trillion on the global production market. Since bottlenecks waste time and…

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If you're dealing with any of these supply chain issues, you need a Rugged Tablet

If you’re dealing with any of these supply chain issues, you need a Rugged Tablet

If you’re dealing with any of these supply chain issues, you need a Rugged Tablet 2560 1280 ScanOnline

From the assembly line to the last mile, it takes many teams to move inventory down the supply chain. The Digital Age has helped simplify this process by closing communication gaps with intelligent digitization; however, complex workflows such as reverse logistics, same-day fulfillment, and BOPIS have pressured supply chains to…

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4 Easy & Fast Ways Mobile Tech Can

4 Easy & Fast Ways Mobile Tech Can Optimize Inventory Management Operations

4 Easy & Fast Ways Mobile Tech Can Optimize Inventory Management Operations 2560 1280 ScanOnline

As businesses cross over into the post-pandemic market, new challenges such as fluctuating workforce sizes and material shortages have arisen, pressuring warehouses to continue adapting to higher demands. While warehouses may have different areas of prioritization –receiving docks, aisles, and shipping terminals – inventory management is often a foundational workflow…

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connect your workforce

3 Ways to connect your workforce in the warehouse

3 Ways to connect your workforce in the warehouse 2560 1344 ScanOnline

What are the ways to connect your workforce in the warehouse. From new hires to surprise stock shortages, any change to the standards set in a warehouse setting can impact workflows, creating downtime, bottlenecks, and increased operational costs. Additional demands such as faster shipping schedules and verifiable traceability escalate the…

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