
What makes Same-Day Delivery Possible?

What makes Same-Day Delivery Possible? 1200 600 ScanOnline

While three to five days continues to be the most acceptable delivery timeframe for most retailers, studies note how more and more online shoppers are selecting same-day delivery. As a matter fact, over 30% of online shoppers have requested same-day shipping within the past six months, and the trend is…

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Speed or Accuracy? See how ScanOnline helps warehouses get both

Speed or Accuracy? See how ScanOnline helps warehouses get both 1200 630 ScanOnline

It’s no surprise that e-commerce has dramatically altered consumer expectations.  Today’s distribution centers and warehouses must race against the clock to fulfill orders,  within ever-diminishing delivery windows, and still remain accurate as a facility. As a matter of fact, since 2019, 67% of online shoppers expect their orders to be…

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5 Ways to Make the Most of Remote Work and Tech to Support It

5 Ways to Make the Most of Remote Work and Tech to Support It 5472 3648 ScanOnline

What a difference a month makes.  Around this time 30 days ago, I was gearing up to host our company’s 2nd straight March Madness themed event for customers and new friends alike, on the backs of an excellent showing last year.  For North Carolina residents and beyond, the month of March…

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WiFi 6 Enterprise Network Speeds and Feeds

WiFi 6 – Forecasting How New Enterprise Networks Will Impact Industrial Workforces

WiFi 6 – Forecasting How New Enterprise Networks Will Impact Industrial Workforces 6489 4326 ScanOnline

WiFi 6 is here, yet in the eyes of companies as a whole, their current on-premise enterprise network infrastructure is equitable to plumbing.  If it isn’t misfiring, the thought is there’s no need to take action.  It isn’t isolated to a few either; the feeling is the same for small…

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X10 Rugged Tablet Used In Warehouse - Barcode Scanning for Inventory Management

The Rugged Tablet Surge – 5 Ways Warehouses are Capitalizing – Pt. 2 of the Enterprise Mobility, IoT & the Modern Industrial Workforce Series

The Rugged Tablet Surge – 5 Ways Warehouses are Capitalizing – Pt. 2 of the Enterprise Mobility, IoT & the Modern Industrial Workforce Series 1280 853 ScanOnline

Rugged tablets have become one of the most popular company-issued assets in workplaces nationwide.  The differences between tablets and enterprise-class rugged tablets however are still misunderstood.  People enjoy both in their leisure time for surfing the Internet, watching videos, checking email, connecting with friends and other activities.  And those are…

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Rugged tablets play a critical role within the enterprise mobility chain

Connecting the Supply Chain Together – Pt. 1 of the Enterprise Mobility, IoT & the Modern Industrial Workforce Series

Connecting the Supply Chain Together – Pt. 1 of the Enterprise Mobility, IoT & the Modern Industrial Workforce Series 2172 1448 ScanOnline

Enterprise mobility, enterprise mobility management and enterprise mobility solutions – what do these words mean to you?  For supply chain employees, regardless of their title and responsibilities, these words may not resonate.  What would hit home however, would be a question to 5 year+ industry veterans on how much things…

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3 Symptoms to Note When Your Enterprise’s Network Needs Updates

3 Symptoms to Note When Your Enterprise’s Network Needs Updates 600 345 ScanOnline

Too often, when enterprise network providers suggest upgrading one, some or all components that make up a decaying network infrastructure, the customer will hesitate, because the network still operates, even if not at a high level. The thing is, as is the case with anything in life, many folks have…

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Professional Services Spotlight – Get to Know Donny Hood

Professional Services Spotlight – Get to Know Donny Hood 248 410 ScanOnline

Our Director of Field Services, Donny Hood is an incredibly seasoned leader, who not only controls much of the day to day operations behind the network installation teams that travel the country, but is also hands on within many projects.  From employee scheduling and authoring scopes of work documents to…

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Managed Services Spotlight – Get to Know Jim Harsh

Managed Services Spotlight – Get to Know Jim Harsh 366 366 ScanOnline

In any position that demands a fair amount of exposure to customers, whether face to face or done remotely, it takes a certain kind of personality to thrive. This is especially the case in IT, namely our managed services unit, where customer interactions waver between general questions and status updates…

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Professional Services Spotlight – Jamie Swanson

Professional Services Spotlight – Jamie Swanson 578 624 ScanOnline

In this edition of our staff spotlight piece, we have the benefit of timing in our corner, as Jamie Swanson has just completed the requirements to earn the rank of PMP.  The Project Management Professional certification process is widely considered across all industries and internationally as a challenging process, with…

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Advantages of Using Managed Services for Networks and Mobile Handheld Technologies

Advantages of Using Managed Services for Networks and Mobile Handheld Technologies 960 640 ScanOnline

Technology, no matter how durable and robust, still is susceptible to issues related to degradation and general “wear and tear” over time. In any environment where many wireless and mobile technologies, including enterprise networks are consistently in use for the duration of the workday, it’s best to have technicians dedicated…

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Professional Services Spotlight – Mark Hayes

Professional Services Spotlight – Mark Hayes 3264 2448 ScanOnline

Mark Hayes isn’t your typical network engineer.  His work-life began in the military, before coming on to work for ScanOnline.  After his time in active duty had passed, Hayes decided a career in IT was well suited to his skill set, and began taking courses to follow his goals.  Always…

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