Enterprise Network Managed Services

Enterprise Network Managed Services

Network Management, Monitoring & Maintenance – Optimize and Secure Your Network Infrastructure

Security and performance are two key points that matter greatly in enterprise networking. To ensure both are consistently excellent, proactive monitoring and management needs to be a priority.

ScanOnline’s 24/7 Enterprise Network Managed Services include an array of platform management and defense options for both wired and wireless LAN systems to keep business information streaming and workforce tasks unmitigated. All while through enterprise networks that are optimized to run at their highest potential.

Enterprise Network Platform Management

ScanOnline’s network monitoring and network management strategies are not just to keep enterprise networks at peak performance levels, but also to stay ahead of problems before they occur. When all else fails, the Managed Services Group will execute a plan of attack to repair and manage your issues quickly.

General Maintenance – ScanOnline defines customer obligations and establishes a service hours matrix (service hours, service days of week, critical business periods) to proactively manage needs

Incident Management – A staffed help desk receives/log incident calls, creates a timeframe within an SLA matrix, follows an escalation matrix (tier 1, 2 & 3) and provides customer updates within the process

Problem Management – ScanOnline evaluates recurring incidents, engages in problem(s)/root cause analysis and establishes a permanent fix solution within customer time-frames

Change Management – ScanOnline’s help desk will log/coordinate change request, develop a tracking matrix for completion and ensures all change requests include mutually agreed time-frames/cost

Service Management – Regular review of performance against the SLA includes planned maintenance, past/future change requests, ongoing review of scope of service and review of the SLA at-large

  • A safety net of experts behind your devices for their optimized health
  • Downtimes, troubleshooting & frustrations mitigated
  • Project management & strategy, handled by our experienced team, partnered with you
  • Your internal IT teams can focus on revenue-generating tasks
  • Cyclical hardware maintenance handled on schedule, with all the necessary patches, updates, etc.
  • Continued education; we keep up with it and we’ll pass along our knowledge base to keep you frosty
  • A firm partnership – the MSG team works hand in hand with you on everything and shoulder the load of tasks behind your devices the way YOU want it

Enterprise Network Platform Defense

Our Managed Services Group stays current in trends specifically related to enterprise network security, including the growing list of enterprise-focused attacks that can do serious damage to the infrastructure of businesses if kept unchecked. Our network monitoring is as in-depth as any in the managed services industry, with a well-defined plan of attack for both proactive management of your system and cyclical maintenance.

ScanOnline, needless to say, has you covered.

Rogue Device Management – ScanOnline will secure your entire network infrastructure against unknown technology device breaches while allowing the customer to determine the course of
action to take on a device-by-device basis

Intrusion Protection – ScanOnline’s Managed Services eliminates enterprise network vulnerabilities, analyses questionable requests for access, and provides customers real-time alerts
of any threat detections. ScanOnline also provides repair and troubleshooting services to beat back and destroy any attacks before they permeate your entire system.

  • Devices on standby ensure workers don’t go without critical handhelds
  • Repair process is professionally handled without end-user involvement
  • Troubleshooting & repairs done by subject matter experts